The Shader Croft School

Turning Student Selected Real World Adventures into Stronger Reading, Writing, and Communication Skills.

Day-1: Shader Croft School At CCS 2014


Capture SCS


Welcome to the class blog for Shader Croft School at CCS.  My intent is for it to be an ongoing interactive journal of the happenings at SCS.  It will be a daily (or almost daily) recap of our day at school. Parents can see what we did that day, students who were absent can catch up on what they might have missed – the possibilities for two-way communication are endless!   Best of all, the blog will be written by the students; well, most of the time!   This is a tool we can have a lot of fun with.  We will be able to give each other comments and feedback on our work.  People all over the world will be able to see what we do. Do you have relatives who live outside of Vermont?  Well, now they can keep up with what you’re doing.  Communication will be 24 hours a day, seven days a week, and all over the planet.   Wow!  I’m getting a little ahead of myself!!!!  Slow down Mr. P.

For our first edition, I had students write a 6 word “novel” about their first days experience.  The six word story is often attributed to Ernest Hemingway.  Cool!

There was one student that decided to go above and beyond.  Read on and be amazed.




“Take a seat it’s adventure time!”

~  Ryan





“Shader Croft Camp


This year there are more boys than girls. I think that it is a good thing that I get along better with boys than girls (hahaha). I don’t really know why I do get along more with boys than girls I just do. I think that it was because i grew up with more boys than girls. It was a little awkward at first, but it isn’t as awkward the more we work. I also adapt very well to change. It has been very interesting.  I cant wait for all the trips we are going to go on. Well that is all for today.”

~  Marleen





“Morning was boring, afternoon was basic.”

~  Ethan





“Jess knows how to write well.”

~  Isabell





fun, worker, trips, friends, independence, learning.”

~  Bailey





“Katie is  funny but works hard.”

~  Tristen






“fun exciting funny weird ordinary long!”

~  Kyle




“I am ready for Shader Croft!”

~  Stu




Capture SCS