The Shader Croft School

Turning Student Selected Real World Adventures into Stronger Reading, Writing, and Communication Skills.

Day-6 & Day-7: Shader Croft School At CCS 2014

SCS scholars reflect on their goals for the Summer.


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“This Summer I have goals that I am trying to accomplish.  I have trouble pronouncing certain words is one goal, I want to get better at that.  I would like to make more friends, once a day I will try and ask someone new interesting questions, that way they know I like them.”

~  Tristen


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“Today is Wednesday, These are my goals for Shader Croft;  Reading: is to read stronger words, like multi-syllable words. I think I have not accomplished that yet, this summer, but by the end I hope that I am a better reader and better at reading stronger words. My personable goal is to be speak more clear in front of a huge group, like when I am giving a presentation. I am good at a small group but being alone presenting is hard for me, but if I am with friends presenting then I am not alone doing the presentation. My oral expression goal is to be more confident when I speak. When I speak in a huge group and I am alone I am bungle cause I can get self-conscious.”

~  Alysha


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My Oral Expression goal is to, work on my eye contact. I am going to improve on that by talking to my friends. I have practiced it with my mom already. It worked really well.”

~  Marleen




“My oral expression goal was to get better at introducing myself to other strange people.

Am I meeting that goal? Yes and no but it’s a working progress, you have to be comfortable with introducing yourself to others that you may not know. So yes I am trying to work on introducing my self so I can make new friends and meet new people and have fun.

My personal goal was to make better eye contact.

Did I reach that goal? Yes and no, but it’s a working progresses. Making eye contact is a noble thing to do when you are introducing yourself.”

~  Ethan





Here are my Goals.

One of the basic goals I have this Summer is to improve on groups of friends.  I think I have done a hearty job making friends, I can tell because we laugh all the time.  I know this one sounds absurd but I am going to get a benefit from reading because I will grow fluency and for writing I will grow comprehension.”

~  Bailey




“My reading goal is to read more words and understand what they are. I think I know what the words are, but I have a hard time reading them. And my oral expression goal is , I am not going to speak out loud, until it is my turn. I feel I am doing a good job waiting my turn . My personal goal is , I want to be more nice and kind to people when I am mad. Am doing an acay job at it but I can do a better job.”

~  Kyle


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“Goals of 2014

My Personal goal is once a day find a teacher or another student and ask them some interesting questions.  The reason I am doing this, is I can talk with other students and ask them three questions, so i can start a conversation and make new friends.  Having friends is essential!”

~  Ryan

