The Shader Croft School

Turning Student Selected Real World Adventures into Stronger Reading, Writing, and Communication Skills.

Day-8: Shader Croft School At CCS 2014

Shader Croft Tribe in the Charlotte Community

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By Katie Carleton


When one says “community” what comes to mind? A group of people from different backgrounds coming together to share a space. To share voices. To learn from each other.

Today, as we embark on another trip, we travel as a group. We travel as a community. Another word for it is “tribe”.


Our tribe has lots of wonderful pieces to it. We have a mixture of young men from two different town communities and 3 young women that each bring their own life experiences and knowledge to the tribe. We have 4 teachers and maybe even Steve today that each offer the tribe their own unique wisdom and skills to share with the young.

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What’s important about a tribe? What makes a tribe work? We all want to feel a sense of belonging. As we gather in a circle today, look around. Look at each other. We belong in this group. The challenge is learning not to speak, but to listen. When a tribal member is brave enough to share a thought or a story it is so important to that speaker that she/he is heard. It’s amazing how many people can connect to the speakers’ story or thoughts, and hands shoot up with enthusiastic connections  of their own. Today’s challenge is to sit with your thoughts set aside, and really listen to the speaker. Then, later, go up to that person and share your own connection at an appropriate time. What an amazing way to reach out and become even more connected with each other and build friendships.


As our tribe gathers today at the Charlotte Beach, think about how you contribute to our community. Reach out to a different friend to get to know another tribal member. It truly is amazing to have that feeling of Belonging. Let the tribal drums begin their rhythm…

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