We believe in ourselves . . .
Working together during the Summer in a hot classroom with a group of friends and teachers for five weeks — with hardly any time alone — is not easy everyday. Everyone must share and compromise. Students and teachers alike give much and take little. There are even stressful days when we have to cope; some of our academic trips are heavy on the brain and are not very fun. These are all tremendous aptitudes we can put to use at home with our families, at school, in college, at work and beyond!
Beach Days are the Best!
Our summer program is almost complete. It goes by quick, so we should enjoy every second. I cant believe its almost over. At SCS, there is a unique adventure every single day. Sometimes I know what it is, but most days are a surprise; Ms. Greene is our trip planner. I guess it’s good not knowing everything in advance. Today was no different. We all went for a last big beach blowout! We played an all site game of Nuke EM, basketball, and there was hours of swimming. Andy and I played a pickup game of hoops and he beat me 21 to 20. Ouch! Such a close game, and a ton of fun. Beach days really are the best.
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