The Shader Croft School

Turning Student Selected Real World Adventures into Stronger Reading, Writing, and Communication Skills.

Day-17: Shader Croft School At WMS 2015

We believe in ourselves . . . Working together during the Summer in a hot classroom with a group of friends and teachers for five weeks — with hardly any time alone — is not easy everyday.  Everyone must share and compromise.  Students and teachers alike give much and...

Vermont Mountaineers

                                  We had a great time visiting the Vermont Mountaineers baseball organization this week. We toured their facility and met their manager Ryan Gallagher,...

Shader Croft Productions

          This week we visited VCAM (Vermont Community Access Media) and learned about what they do, including TV filming, editing and production. They have a lot of cool techie equipment that’s available to anyone for free who becomes a member, including middle...

Day-16: Shader Croft School At WMS 2015

  The Action Never Stops!   This afternoon we had three trips, that’s right THREE trips!  One group went sailing, another learned about animal rescue, and the third studied computer sciences with an 18 year old mathematics prodigy.  Shader Croft is a...