The Shader Croft School

Turning Student Selected Real World Adventures into Stronger Reading, Writing, and Communication Skills.

Day 14: Donkeys at Vermont Compost Company

“Yesterday we went to a farm called Vermont Compost to see their business.  We saw three donkeys.  Two girls and one boy.  The two girls were really shy and didn’t want their pictures taken, but the boy one didn’t mind having it’s picture taken.  It was tall and loud.  When we were walking away the male donkey started he-hawing.  We also walked down to see how they made compost, including how it got ready to be put in the bags.  Then we went in the front of the business and we gave our host, Karl Hammer the certificate of appreciation.  Then he told us a story about his life and then we left.” -Janson

“The chickens were very big.” -Kaytlyn
“There was a dog following us around.” -Aneice
“We learned donkeys and elephants are two of the smartest animals on the planet!  Mules are four times smarter than horses.” -Janson
“My goal was to meet donkeys and I accomplished that.” -Janson
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