Lifetime Friends
One of the best things about Shader Croft is the network one may build within a single summer. Unlike most teaching environments, SCS attracts staff from all over the world who posses a multitude of talents. A successful Shader Croft site requires the expertise of artists, accountants, and achievers; but mainly a successful SCS site has a good team of teachers. Because SCS is such a dense community, staff members can form very close bonds within the short window of time. Shader Croft creates a sense of family, which is exactly why, for many staff members, goodbye at the end is rarely goodbye forever. This Summer is no exception; and I can safely say I now have three new friends for life.
Part of the team . . .
Setting up our kids for victory demands a welcoming environment where they feel comfortable. Those who are a self-conscious are markedly challenged when tension is high. The spirit of Shader Croft School is one of direction, adventure, and safety more than the struggle to see who wins. The victory is all about making students feel like a valuable part of the group. In short, the SCS setting is a team based environment. We really are all a part of the team!
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