The Shader Croft School

Turning Student Selected Real World Adventures into Stronger Reading, Writing, and Communication Skills.

Capture SCS


This land is your land . . .

The time has come to say goodbye!  It is bittersweet every year to say goodbye to our Shader Croft family.  We will miss everyone who is leaving us today and we can’t wait to see them again next summer.



One of my favorite activities was when we sang together, and everyone’s favorite song was “This Land Is Your Land”.  We sang it at least once a week.  Today was our last opportunity, and boy did we let it rip!  There are a few kids that do not like to sing and avoid it at all costs, however that was not the case today.  Everyone gave it there all, and it truly was a beautiful sight to behold!



Along with the singing came our last trip of the summer.  There was no doubt where we would go.  Bay-side beach!  We didn’t go just for the swimming, basketball, and nuke em; we brought our lunch too.  Mr. Gabriel fired up the BBQ and we all had a great lunch.


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If our day wasn’t packed enough, we had our closing ceremony as well.  We’ve had a wonderful time together, diving fully into program, more adventures, and an overall festive atmosphere. It was great to have Ms. Francis our site coordinator, and Mr. Hyde the director of SCS there for the ceremony. They added so much laughter and vibrancy, insights on life and their many other wonderful contributions to our community.


Check out the photo I created


Farewell for Now. . .

We had an incredible program. We learned, ran, sang, hiked, skated, laughed, smiled and enjoyed the summer like never before. While we’re sad Shader Croft is over, we choose not to say, “Goodbye”, but rather, “See you next year!”
