On Tuesday June 28th, our first week of Shader Croft, we went to Mt. Philo. At 1:30, five other students, two teachers, and I started climbing up the trail. Instead of walking up the road we decided to walk up the trail. The trail we went on was called the devil’s chair trail. On the trail there were big rocks. It was a thin path so we had to be careful. As we were walking we started going downhill which would have led us back to where we started. That’s when we realized we went the wrong way. When we knew that we were going down we waited for the teachers to catch up and told them that we were starting to go down. After we told Allison and David that we were going down a little bit, Koda said that he had been on this trail before so he showed us the way to get back on the trail. To get to the top from where we were we had to climb up this steep hill. Some of us kept slipping down the hill, so it was hard for us to get up, but we did. When we got to the top we sat on the rocks. We took a group photo with an amazing view in the background. We had an hour or two till we had to get back, so we played hide and go seek tag. Koda And I hid in the fireplace. We were the last people to be found. When we left we went to the country store and got ice cream. I got a maple flavored ice cream. It was a fun day.
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