The Shader Croft School

Turning Student Selected Real World Adventures into Stronger Reading, Writing, and Communication Skills.

Red Rocks Hike by Chelsea

Presley, Carissa, Logan and I went to red rocks in South Burlington. We got to hike up and look at plant life on the way. The way it got its name is the color of the rocks there. It was really cool to look down at Lake Champlain. We could see Mt Philo, which is where...

Hiking and Geocaching by Caroline 7/8

Larson and I got to go for a hike as a trip on the 8th of July. We got to hike up Ethan Allen park and Ethan Allen tower. When we were done we went to Shelburne Bay and went geocaching. This is Larson and I on top of the Ethan Allen Park on top of the tower. It was a...

Mt. Philo by Jameela 6/28

On Tuesday June 28th, our first week of Shader Croft, we went to Mt. Philo. At 1:30, five other students, two teachers, and I started climbing up the trail. Instead of walking up the road we decided to walk up the trail.  The trail we went on was called the...

Moss Glen Falls by Griffyn

My favorite trip was to moss glen falls. It was a 45 minute drive, but it was fun and we played games. We also had to stop to get some water, but during that time we got to stretch our legs. When we got there, we parked and started on a small wood bridge and then got...

Moss Glen Falls 7/7/16

Moss glen falls 7/7/16   On July 7, 2016 Vincent, Griffyn, Jameela, David, Phil, and I went to Moss Glen Falls near Stowe, VT. Moss Glen Falls is a waterfall with a walking trail near it with a great view of mountains and the waterfall. It also has a geocache,...